Baker, Ruth Marat/Sade (aka Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, The) [Mademoiselle Coulmier]
Jabraud, Anne-Marie Maigret et les Plaisirs de la Nuit (TV) [Concierge de la Comtesse]
Jachnuk, Carrie Defenseless [Singer at Fundraiser]
Jachulski, Beata Nine 1/2 Weeks [Dinner Guest]
Jack, Sue Ivory Hunters (TV) (aka Last Elephant, The (TV)) [Mrs. Hawkins]
Jackee Crash Course (TV) [Edna Savage]
Double Your Pleasure (TV)
Ladybugs [Julie Benson]
Women of Brewster Place, The (TV) [Etta Mae]
"Another World" [Lily Mason]
"Royal Family, The" [Ruth]
Jacklin, Judy Blues Brothers, The [Cocktail Waitress]
Jacksina, Judy Awakenings [Hospital Receptionist]
Jackson, Anne Baby M (TV) [Lorraine Abraham]
Bell Jar, The [Dr. Nolan]
Blinded by the Light (TV)
Dirty Dingus Magee [Belle]
Folks! [Mildred Aldrich]
Funny About Love [Adele]
Journey, The (1959) [Mrs. Rhinelander]
Leave 'em Laughing (TV)
Lovers and Other Strangers [Cathy]
Out on a Limb (1987) (TV) [Bella Abzug]
Private Battle, A (TV)
Sam's Son [Harriet Orowitz]
Secret Life of an American Wife, The [Victoria Layton]
Shining, The [Doctor]
So Young, So Bad [Jackie]
Tall Story
Woman Called Golda, A (TV)
Zigzag (aka Zig-Zag) [Jean Cameron]
"Everything's Relative" [Rae Beeby]
Jackson, Cinda Wildrose [Karen]
Jackson, Colette Seven Days in May
Jackson, Cordell Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag, The [Bathroom Lady]
Jackson, Dana Airheads [Receptionist]
In My Daughter's Name (TV) [Martha]
Jackson, Debbie Final Cut [Rogue]
Jackson, Dee Jay Look Who's Talking [Burly Orderly]
Needful Things [Eddie Warburton]
Without a Kiss Goodbye (TV) [Bailiff]
Jackson, Desreta Color Purple, The [Young Celie]
Sister Act [Teenage Girl #1]
Jackson, Elma V. Man With Two Brains, The [Nurse #2]
Jackson, Elma Veronda Nothing in Common [Lucille]
Jackson, Ernestine Aaron Loves Angela
Bonfire of the Vanities, The
Jackson, Eva Diary of a Hit Man [Mrs. Carpenter]
Jackson, Freda Bhowani Junction [The Sadani]
Canterbury Tale, A [Prudence Honeywood]
Clash of the Titans
Die, Monster, Die!
Great Expectations (1946) [Mrs. Joe]
Greyfriars Bobby [Old woman caretaker]
Henry V (1944) [Mistress Quickley]
Shadow of the Cat [Clara]
Tom Jones [Mrs. Seagrim]
Women of Twilight [Helen Alistair]
Jackson, Glenda And Nothing But the Truth
Beyond Therapy [Charlotte]
Boy Friend, The [Rita]
Business as Usual
Class of Miss MacMichael, The [Conor MacMichael]
Devil Is a Woman, The (1975)
H.E.A.L.T.H. (aka Health) [Isabella Garnell]
Hedda (AAN) (GGN) [Hedda]
Hopscotch [Isobel]
House Calls [Ann Atkinson]
House of Bernarda Alba, The (TV) [Bernarda Alba]
Incredible Sarah, The (aka Sarah) (GGN)
Lost and Found [Tricia]
Maids, The
Marat/Sade (aka Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, The) [Charlotte Corday]
Mary, Queen of Scots [Queen Elizabeth]
Music Lovers, The
Nasty Habits (aka Abbess, The)
Nelson Affair, The (aka Bequest to the Nation, A) [Lady Hamilton]
Kelly, Roz Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill (TV) [Doreen Reese]
American Pop [Eva Tanguay]
Full Moon High
New Year's Evil
Owl and the Pussycat, The [Eleanor]
You've Got to Walk It Like You Talk It or You'll Lose That Beat
Kelly, Sharon Hustle [Gloria Hollinger]
Kelly, Shirley Code of Silence [Artist's Benefactor]
Starlight Hotel [Mrs. Skip]
Viper [Laura's Mother]
Kelly, Sue Code of Silence [Dispatcher #2]
Kelly, Susan Dondi [Lieutenant Calhoun]
Kelly, Teresa Billy Jack [Carol]
Kelman, Maryann Adventures in Babysitting [Passenger]
Kelsey, Linda Attack on Fear (TV)
Baby Girl Scott (TV) [Jean Gelson]
Eleanor and Franklin (TV)
Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years (TV)
Family Torn Apart, A (TV) [Maureen Hannigan]
He's Not Your Son (TV)
His Mistress (TV) [Katherine Beck]
Midnight Man, The [Betty]
Perfect Match, A (1980) (TV)
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1973) (TV)
Place to Be Loved, A (TV) [Liz Russ]
Something for Joey (TV)
White Hot: The Mysterious Murder of Thelma Todd (TV)
"Captains and the Kings" (mini) [Peg]
"Day by Day" [Karen Harper]
"Lou Grant" [Billie Newman McCovey]
"Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder" (mini)
"Sessions" (1991)
Kelsey, Tamsin Bingo! [Bunny]
Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (TV) [Dr. Riki Ott]
Harmony Cats [Sandra]
Needful Things [Sheila Ratcliff]
Who's Harry Crumb? [Marie]
Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (TV) [Evie]
Kelton, Fay Emma: Queen of the South Seas (TV) [Aunt Elizabeth]
Kelwing, Greta 1 + 1 = 3 [Child]
Kemble, Alison Prep School [Mouse]
Ups and Downs [Mouse]
Kemble-Cooper, Lily My Fair Lady [Lady Ambassador]
Kemler, Elizabeth Far and Away [Prostitute]
Kemp, Brandis Clifford [Woman on Plane]
Dangerous Woman, A (1993) [Female Caterer]
Gross Anatomy (aka Cut Above, A) [Aunt Rose]
Hexed [Ms. Strickland]
Rich Men, Single Women (TV) [Mrs. King]
South of Reno [Brenda]
Surf II [Bob's Mother]
Swimsuit (TV)
Welcome to 18 [Miss Reba]
"After M*A*S*H" [Alma Cox]
"Good Advice"
Kemp, Elizabeth Challenger (TV) [Jane Smith]
Eating [Nancy]
Family of Spies (TV)
He Knows You're Alone [Nancy]
Killing Hour, The [Virna Nightbourne]
Murderous Vision (TV)
Sticky Fingers (1988)
"Love of Life"
Kemp, Julie Slugger's Wife, The [Palloma]
Kemp, La Dale Leap of Faith (1992) [Angel of Mercy]
Kemp, Margaret Sherlock Holmes (1922) [Therese]
Kemp, Michelle Lauderdale (aka Spring Break USA) [Jane Beaumont]
Kemp, Polly Four Weddings and a Funeral [Miss Piggy]
Kemp, Sally Carpool (TV) [Anita Brooks]
Carry On Camping
Last Hunt, The (1985) [Mother]
Return to Green Acres (TV) [Ruthie]
Secret Life of Kathy McCormick, The (TV) [Emily]
Twirl (TV) [Mrs. Hines]
Kemp, Sarah Mercy Mission: The Rescue of Flight 771 (TV) [Hillary Vette]
Kemp, Sharon Four Friends [Rudy's Girlfriend]
Kemp, Valli Dr. Phibes Rises Again [Vulnavia]
Great Muppet Caper, The [2nd Model]
Kemp-Welch, Joan Haunted Honeymoon (1940) (aka Busman's Honeymoon)
Pimpernel Smith (aka Mister V) [Teacher]
Kempe, Erin Hexed [Teen]
Kemper, Doris Caged [Inmate]
Tall Men, The [Mrs. Robbins]
Kemper, Kay Ann American Graffiti [Jane]
Kempers, Cornelia Anna Goeldin, The Last Witch (aka Anna Goeldin, Letzte Hexe) [Anna Goldin]
Kempf, Angie Pick-up Artist, The
Kempf, Heidi Blue Steel (1990) [TV Announcer #2]
Gremlins II: The New Batch [TV Reporter]
Kempf, Ruth Live and Let Die [Mrs. Bell]
Kempner, Brenda Marat/Sade (aka Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, The) [Madame Coulmier]
Never Say Never Again [Masseuse]
Kempson, Lauri Scrooged [Guest]
Kempson, Rachel Captive Heart, The
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (1968) [Mrs. Codrington]
Georgy Girl [Ellen]
Jane Eyre (1970) (TV)
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980) (TV) [Lady Lorradaile]
Out of Africa [Lady Belfield]
Stealing Heaven [Prioress]
Tom Jones [Bridget Allworthy]
Two Gentlemen Sharing [Mrs Ashby-Kydd]
Uncle Vanya (1991) (TV) [Maman]
Virgin Soldiers, The
Kempster, Vanessa Madame Sin (TV) [Nun]
Kenan, Dodi Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins... [Nurse]
Kenaston, Rita Days of Wine and Roses (1962) [Tenant]
Laura (1979) (aka Laura, les Ombres de l'Ete) [Martine]
Misunderstood (1984) [Kate]
Keryan, Nathalie Maitresse [Lucienne]
Kesler, Suzi Die Watching [Reporter]
Kesner, Jillian Firecracker (aka Naked Fist)
Moon in Scorpio [Claire]
Raw Force
Roots of Evil [Brenda]
Student Body, The
"Co-ed Fever" [Melba]
Kessell, Simone Hercules and the Amazon Women (TV) [Jana]
Kessler, Alice Corpse of Beverly Hills, The
Mein Schatz ist aus Tirol
Mit Rosen faengt die Liebe an
Solang es huebsche Maedchen gibt
Vier Maedel aus der Wachau
Kessler, Beatrice Grenzgaenger (TV) [Hanni]
Kennwort Moewe (TV)
Schweizermacher, Die
Kessler, Catherine Murder by Decree [Carrie]
Kessler, Ellen Corpse of Beverly Hills, The
Mein Schatz ist aus Tirol
Mit Rosen faengt die Liebe an
Solang es huebsche Maedchen gibt
Vier Maedel aus der Wachau
Kessler, Irene Dirty Tricks (1980) [Mrs. Cohen]
Funny Farm, The (1982) [Waitress in Coffee Shop]
Kessler, Kathy Muscle Beach Party [Surfer Girl]
Kessler, Lori Splash [Girl with Date]
Kessler, Sara Lee Turk 182! [Herself]
Without a Trace [WOR-TV News Announcer]
Kestelman, Sara Break of Day [Alice]
Kean (TV) [Elena, Countess of Koefeld]
Lisztomania [Princess Carolyn]
Kester, Karen Enforcer, The (1951) [Nina as a child]
Kestin, Lea Jesus Christ Superstar [Woman]
Ketkidou, Maria Heartbreakers, The (1982)
Traumauto, Das
Ketoff, Fulvia Kremlin Letter, The [Sonia]
Kettle, Kim Pelican Brief, The [Verheek's Wife]
Kettlewell, Ruth Adventures of a Private Eye [Mrs. Grimpton]
No Blade of Grass
Oh! What a Lovely War [Duchess Sophie]
Keung, Cindy No Way Out (1987) [Maori Dancer]
Key, Janet And Now the Screaming Starts! [Bridget]
Dracula A.D. 1972 (aka Dracula Today) [Anna]
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) [Instructress]
Percy [Hazel]
Vampire Lovers, The [Gretchen]
"Heart of the Country" (mini) [Jean Patrick]
Key, Kathleen Ben-Hur (1926) [Tirzah]
Key, Lotis Untamed Heart [Nun]
Keyes, Anne Marie Big Bang, The
Keyes, Evelyn 99 River Street [Linda James]
Around the World in 80 Days [Flirt]
Before I Hang [Martha Garth]
Beyond the Sacramento [Lynn Perry]
Dangerous Blondes [Jane Craig]
Enchantment [Grizel Dane]
Face Behind the Mask [Helen Williams]
Gone with the Wind [Suellen O'Hara]
Here Comes Mr. Jordan [Bette Logan]
Iron Man (1951)
Johnny O'Clock [Nancy Hobbs]
Jolson Story, The [Julie Benson]
Ladies in Retirement [Lucy]
Mrs. Mike
Prowler, The (1951) [Susan Gilvray]
Seven Year Itch, The [Helen Sherman]
Shoot First (aka Rough Shoot) [Cecily]
Slightly Honorable [Miss Vlissigen]
Strange Affair, The [Jacqueline Harrison]
There's Something About a Soldier [Carol Harkness]
Thousand and One Nights, A (1945) (aka 1001 Nights (1945))
Union Pacific [Mrs. Calvin]
Wicked Stepmother
Keyes, Joanna 976-EVIL [Suzie's Mother]
Khal, Mary Blowup [Fashion Editor]
Khali, Simbi "She TV"
Khambatta, Persis Deadly Intent [Francesca Slate]
First Strike
Man with the Power, The (TV)
Megaforce [Zara]
My Beautiful Laundrette
Nighthawks [Shakka]
Phoenix the Warrior
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (aka Star Trek - The Motion Picture) [Lt. Iella]
Warriors of the Lost World
Wilby Conspiracy, The
Khan, Ali K2 [Balti Porter]
Khan, Becky Seniors, The (aka Senior, The)
Khan, Chaka Blues Brothers, The [Choir Soloist]
Khan, Shanti Captain Ron [Patti]
Khan, Sharie Six Pack [Lilah's Friend]
Khan, Yaseen Emmanuelle 5
Khaner, Julie Videodrome [Bridey]
Khanjian, Arsinee Adjuster, The [Hera]
Calendar [Wife]
Exotica [Zoe]
Khee, Min Bok Vanished (1994) [Maria Song]
Khlat, Yasmine Nahla [Nahla]
Khokhlova, Alexandra Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, The (aka Neobychainye Priklyucheniya Mistera Vesta v Strane Bolshevikov)
Khote, Durga Bobby
Khoury, Monika For Keeps [Angel]
Khouth, Gabe Amy Fisher Story, The (TV) [Tim Russo]
Lotus Eaters, The [Dwayne Spittle]
My Son Johnny (TV) [Danny Bramante]
Stephen King's It (TV) [Patrick]
Khristiansen, Kellie Underground Aces [Hooker]
Kibardina, Valentina Return of Maxim, The (aka Vozvrashcheniye Maksima)
Vyborg Side, The (aka Vyborgskaya Storona)
Youth of Maxim, The (aka Younost Maksima)
Kibbee, Lois Caddyshack [Mrs. Smalls]
"Edge of Night, The"
"One Life to Live"
Kiberlain, Sandrine Cours Prive
Patriots, The [Marie Claude]
Kiblinger, Jill Gladiator (1992) [Teen in Diner]
Kidd, Delena Room at the Top
Kidd, Holly Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice [The Children of the Corn]
Kidd, Lenetta Sting II, The [Macalinski's Girls]
Kidd, Rae Unashamed (1938) [Rae Lane]
Kidder, Margot 92 in the Shade [Miranda]
Amityville Horror, The [Kathy Lutz]
Black Christmas (aka Silent Night, Evil Night) [Barb]
Body of Evidence (1988) (TV) [Carol Dwyer]
Bounty Man, The (TV)
Florida, La [Vivy Lamori]
Gaily, Gaily [Adeline]
Glitter Dome, The (TV)
Gravy Train, The (aka Dion Brothers, The) [Margue]
Great Waldo Pepper, The [Maude]
Heartaches [Rita Harris]
Honky Tonk (1974) (TV)
Keeping Track [Mickey Tremaine]
Little Treasure [Margo]
Louisiana (1984) (TV) (aka Louisiane (TV))
Miss Right
Mob Story
Mr. Mike's Mondo Video
One Woman's Courage (TV) [Stella Jenson]
Picking Up the Pieces (TV)
Pornographer, The [Irene]
Quackser Fortune Has A Cousin in the Bronx [Zazel]
Quiet Day in Belfast, A
Reincarnation of Peter Proud, The [Marcia Curtis]
Shoot the Sun Down
Sisters (1973) [Danielle Breton]
Some Kind of Hero
Suddenly Single (TV)
Superman [Lois Lane]
Superman II [Lois Lane]
Superman III [Lois Lane]
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace [Lois Lane]
To Catch a Killer (TV)
Trenchcoat [Mickey Raymond]
Vanishing Act (TV) [Chris Kenyon]
White Room [Madelaine X]
Willie and Phil [Jeannette Sutherland]
"Nichols" [Ruth]
"Shell Game"
Kidman, Nicole Billy Bathgate (S:GGN) [Drew Preston]
Bit Part, The
BMX Bandits [Judy]
Bush Christmas [Helen]
Chase Through the Night [Petra]
Days of Thunder [Dr. Claire Lewicki]
Dead Calm [Rae Ingram]
Emerald City
Far and Away [Shannon]
Flirting [Nicola Radcliffe]
Malice [Tracy]
My Life [Gail Jones]
Room to Move (TV) [Carol Trig]
To Die For (1994/I)
Wills and Burke [Julia Matthews]
Windrider [Jade]
"Bangkok Hilton" (mini)
"Five Mile Creek"
Kidney, Louise Conspiracy of Silence (TV) [Sandy]
Kiefer, Elizabeth Ladykiller (1992) (TV) [Carol Longfellow]
Rebel Storm (aka Rising Storm)
"Days of Our Lives"
"General Hospital"
"Young and the Restless, The"
Kieferle, Kirsten Adventures in Babysitting [Sesame]
Amy Fisher: My Story (TV) (aka Lethal Lolita - Amy Fisher: My Story (TV)) [Ellen]
Conspiracy of Silence (TV) [Lori]
Cutting Edge, The [Woman in Bar]
Oh, What a Night [Betty]
Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story (TV) [Darlene Holland]
TekWar: TekLords (TV) [Prudence Juris]
"JFK: Reckless Youth" (mini) [Boston Teacher]
Kiel, Sue Down and Out in Beverly Hills [Roxanne]
Red Heat (1985) [Hedda]
Repo Man [Ms. Magruder]
Kieldrup, Lisa Annie [Dancer]
Kienzler, Karin "Heimat" (mini)
Kiernan, Carol Price She Paid, The (1992) (TV) [Doctor]
Kies, Shannon Warlock: The Armageddon [Young Woman]
Kies, Shannon Marie Hook (1991) [Mermaid]
Kiesel, Danna Officer and a Gentleman, An [Paula's Sister]
Kiesow, Doris Haus in Montevideo, Das (1963)
Kiff, Kaleena Ghost Dad (voice) [Additional Voice]
Jaws: The Revenge (voice) [Additional Voice]
Never Forget (TV) [Student]
Sidney Shorr: A Girl's Best Friend (TV)
"Love, Sidney"
"New Leave It to Beaver, The"
Kiger, Susan Angels' Brigade
Death Screams
H.O.T.S. [Honey]
Kiggins, Madeline Love Child [Guard]
Kihlstedt, Rya "John Jakes' Heaven & Hell - North & South: Book III" (mini) [Willa]
Kiiver, Tiiu Killing of Angel Street, The [Brandy Woman]
Williams, Stephanie Back to the Future Part II [Officer Foley]
Boiling Point (1993) [Sally]
Meteor Man, The [Stacy]
Williams, Sue How to Stuff a Wild Bikini
Williams, Suzette Wrangler [Stenographer]
Williams, Sylvia Sounder [Harriet]
Williams, Sylvia Kuumba Fort Apache, The Bronx [Bartender]
Obsession (1976) [Maid]
Williams, Tarah Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (aka Mad Max 3) [The Gatherers]
Williams, Tonya Lee Borrower, The [Desk Nurse]
Spaced Invaders [Ernestine]
Very Brady Christmas, A (TV) [Belinda]
Williams, Tracey Her Secret Life (TV) (aka Code Name: Dancer (TV)) [Mrs. Egan]
Williams, Tracy Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter (TV) [Page]
Williams, Trudel Vamp [Dragon Girl]
Williams, Vanessa Another You [Gloria]
Candyman (1992) [Anne-Marie McCoy]
New Jack City [Keisha]
"Melrose Place" [Rhonda]
Williams, Vanessa L. Another You [Gloria]
Full Exposure: The Sex Tapes Scandal (TV) [Valentine]
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man [Lulu Daniels]
Jacksons: An American Dream, The (TV) [Suzanne de Passe]
Kid Who Loved Christmas, The (TV)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer (TV) [Terri Knight]
Pick-up Artist, The [Rae]
Stompin' at the Savoy (TV) [Pauline]
Under the Gun (1989)
Williams, Vesta Posse (1993) [Vera]
Williams, Victoria Rapture, The (1991) [Faithful]
Williams, Wendy D. Six Pack [Autograph Seeker]
Williams, Wendy O. Pucker Up and Bark Like a Dog [Butch]
Reform School Girls [Charlie]
Williams, Yolanda Robocop [Ramirez]
Williams, Yvonne Exiles, The [Yvonne]
Williamson, Jo Terror in the Wax Museum [Mrs. Borden]
Williamson, Kate Racing with the Moon [Mrs. Winger]
Red Shoe Diaries (TV) [Old Lady]
Shadow of Obsession (TV) [Mrs. Knapp]
Williamson, Shelia Fast Food [Land Shark Victim]
Williamson, Stacey My Father the Hero (1994) [Airport Bartender]
Williamson, Susan Marat/Sade (aka Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, The) [Marat's mistress]
Nobody's Child (TV) [Patient #2]
Williard, Carol Beaches [Aunt Vesta]
Betsy, The [Roxanne]
Flamingo Kid, The
Memories of Me
Overboard (1987) [Rose Budd]
Pretty Woman [Saleswoman]
Resurrection [Nurse]
Williby, Erin Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (TV) [Young Louisa]
Williford, Mary Catherine Martians Go Home [Starlet]
Willing, Victoria Object of Beauty, The [Portuguese Maid #1]
Willins, Karen True Identity [Karen]
Willis, Katherine Moment of Truth: Stalking Back (TV) [Jill Boyer]
Willis, Kelly Bob Roberts [Clarissa Flan]
Willis, Marlene Attack of the Puppet People [Laurie]
Closer, The [Board Member]
Willis, Marva Something Short of Paradise [2nd Woman at Party]
Willis, Shauntisa Passion Fish [Denita]
Willis, Susan What About Bob? [Mrs. Guttman]
Willis, Suzanna Monster Club, The [STripper]
Willis, Teryl Genesis II (TV) [Cardiologist]
Willis-Burch, Sherry Final Exam
Killer Party [Vivia]
Willmer, Catherine French Lieutenant's Woman, The [Dr. Grogan's Housekeeper]
Willoughby, Leueen Final Conflict, The [Barbara]
Superman II [Leueen]
Willoughby, Marlene Married to the Mob [Mrs. ~Fat Man~]
Rebel (1975) [Customer]
Willoughby, Patricia Ann Murphy's Romance [Lil]
Wills, Beverly Small Town Girl (1953) [Deidre]
Some Like It Hot (1959) [Dolores]
Wills, Sheila Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich, A [Admission Clerk]
I Spy Returns (TV) [Lily Scott]
Lipstick Camera [Stand Up Reporter]
Wills, Sherrie Exorcist III, The (aka Exorcist III: Legion, The)
Fallen Angel (1981) (TV)
Heathers (aka Lethal Attraction) [Country Club Courtney]
If Things Were Different (TV)
Meet the Applegates (aka Applegates, The) [Peace Corps Volunteer]
New Adventures of Heidi, The (TV)
Time for Miracles, A (TV)
Willson, Gwen Black Magic Woman [Frances Reed]
Gremlins [Mrs. Molinaro]
Willson, Patricia Lee Love and Betrayal (TV) [Agency Lady]
Message from Holly, A (TV) [Irene]
"When Love Kills: The Seduction of John Hearn" (mini) [Hotel Desk Clerk]
Willson, Tina Star 80 [Bobo Weller]
Willy, Sibina We of the Never Never [Bett-Bett]
Willy, Suzy Mr. Hulot's Holiday (aka Vacances de M. Hulot, Les) [Commandant's Wife]
Wilmer, Catherine Boy Friend, The [Lady Brookhurst]
Boys in the Band, The [Lady Brookhurst]
March or Die [Petite Lady]
Women in Love [Mrs. Crich]
Wilmore, Naeemah My Little Girl [Camille]
Wilms, Dominique Um Null Uhr schnappt die Falle zu
Wilsen, Britt Tina To Protect and Serve [Brandy]
Wilsey, Shannon Invisible Maniac, The [Vicky]
Wilshere, Barbara "Paradise Club, The" [Carol Kane]
Wilsmore, Mary Easy Money (1983) [Sketch Artist]
Wilson, Ajita Catherine
Escape (1979) (aka Savage Island)
Sylvia im Reich der Wollust (aka Freude am Fliegen)
Wilson, Alexandra "Another World" [Josie Watts]
"Homefront" [Sarah Brewer]
"Loving" [April Hathaway]
"Round Table, The" [Kaitlin]
Wilson, Alexis Cotton Club, The [Dancer]
Wilson, Alisa Loverboy (1989) [Nurse Darlene]
Wilson, Amber Twenty Bucks [Peggy]
Wilson, Barbara Invasion of the Animal People
Wilson, Bridgette Last Action Hero [Whitney/Meredith]
"Santa Barbara"
Wilson, Brigit Anne of Avonlea (TV) (aka Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (TV)) [Tillie Boulter]
Guilty as Sin [Rita Greenhill]
Wilson, Britanny Not in Front of the Children (TV) [Mindy]
Wilson, Britta Big Picture, The [Stewardess]
Wilson, Chandra Philadelphia [Chandra]
Wilson, Cheryl Ann Cellar Dweller [Lisa]
"Capitol" [Kate Wells]
"Days of Our Lives"
Wilson, Cheryl S. Switching Channels [SNN Anchor Person]
Wilson, Cintra So I Married an Axe Murderer [Cafe Roads M.C.]
Wilson, Clara Nutcracker, The Motion Picture [Snowflake]
Wilson, Clare Nutcracker, The Motion Picture [Waltz of the Flowers]
Wilson, Collette Triumph Over Disaster: The Hurricane Andrew Story (TV) [Leslie Ames]
Wilson, Cynthia B. Long Walk Home, The [Black Maid]
Wilson, Cynthia-Gail Deadly Messages (TV) [Woman in Knife Store]
Wilson, Dana Cry from the Streets, A [Barbie]
Wilson, Donna Book of Love [Mechanic Girl]
Days of Thunder [Darlene]
Last Boy Scout, The [Sleeping Party Girl]
Last Seduction, The [Stacy]
Wilson, Donnice Sister Margaret and the Saturday Night Ladies (TV) [Jessie]